Live Program

Let’s grow together!

Everything's better together — especially when it comes to creative collaboration! The Live Program is meant to bring groups of talented photographers and videographers together to learn, grow, and inspire each other through mutual cooperation. You’ll leave this program with confidence to pursue your niche and tools to scale your business the way YOU want to, to achieve YOUR dreams. 

Let’s be honest — you started a business because you knew you had talent, you love what you do, and most importantly you wanted to do it on your own terms. We get it. But sometimes that momentum wanes and your efforts can feel tedious, or bland and uninspired. We’re here to reinvigorate that spirit, reignite the spark you had on Day One, and nudge you towards your inexhaustible potential!

This program is for the big dreamer that isn’t satisfied with just checking the boxes. The relentless pursuer of a daring goal. The person proving it to themself. During our time together, we’ll spill the tea on our industry and give you the scoop on lessons learn the hard way, keys to consistency, and what we wish we’d known at our inception. 

A business-led approach for creatives

Imagine running a thriving business and choosing jobs you want with intention, instead of burning yourself out and taking on projects just to get by. Creating from a place of alignment and abundance will lead you to your ideal clients and reinvigorate a sense of purpose in your work.

I’m here to guide you through the transition from struggling artist, to an aligned and passionate business owner. We need creativity, but we also need business knowledge and structure to turn our passions into a fulfilling career. Together, we will figure out what you and your business requires to diversify, thrive, and satisfy.

Are you ready to dive in?

We’ll build a strong foundation

We’ll start by clarifying your mission and your why. Peeling back the layers of “shoulds” and comparisons, to get to the core of what you truly want to create. From there, we’ll explore the world of storytelling and its power when used correctly. 

Then we’ll pop over into the business aspect — which is just as important but often not a focus — digging into what it means to be a business owner, building out structure in your business, and setting up the correct systems. We’ll chat about different marketing strategies, diversifying your income, organizing the backend, and charging your worth. We’ll conjure your biggest dreams and map out how you’ll get there. 

We believe in manifesting and having bold dreams — but we also believe in hard work and laying the foundation for future success. Having goals and ambitions is what drives your efforts, but having dedication and knowledge is how you acheive your goal. 

If you are…

Following photography trends

Nervous about stepping out and creating your unique voice and impression

Daydreaming about what your business could be, but unsure of how to get there

Lack of systems and passive income

Intimidated by the business aspect

take the plunge

You’ll leave…

Creating from a place of passion and unique perspective

Embracing your own style and landing clients that are perfectly aligned with your goals

Smooth and effective systems in place to nurture leads and provide a seamless client experience 

Full control and understanding of your business 

Knowledge of how to generate income through a variety of avenues

What to expect:

Five (5) 60-minute group coaching calls

Clear understanding of your niche and style
Passive income ideas to implement

Ideas of how to structure your business and when to outsource

Understanding of sale psyche and how to implement

A group of like-minded creatives supporting you and giving you fresh perspectives

Let’s work smarter, not harder

Hi I’m Sophie! The owner and founder of Drift Creative Co. When I first started Drift, I was all about my art — hustling constantly, sending out a million pitches and next to nothing coming back. Burnout City, population: Me. I was taking jobs I didn’t love, making less money than I wanted to, and overall kind of resenting this thing I was supposed to love so much. 

I knew I had to change the way I was operating — so I completely revamped my approach to my business and addressed my pain points. I studied sales psyche, created passive income streams, and limited contracts to brands I adored. I’ve traveled around the world learning from the best photographers and deciphered how that all could fit into my business. It wasn’t easy and it took a long time to iron out all the bumps — with still lessons and failures left and right. This program is a no gate keeping zone — I will share ALL the things I learned the hard way and what I wish I knew when I started — so you don’t have to.

My hope is to truly empower you to take charge of your business — create the things you love and have systems in place to support you. I can’t wait to cheer you on!

To the burned out creative I WANT TO WORK WITH YOU IF…

You can apply for the live program through the link below! Once you apply, you will hear back from me within 48 business hours. If your application is accepted, get excited! YOU’RE IN! We’ll send you all the next steps, dates, and all the info you will need. 

You have big dreams of building your business into a legacy

Tired of spinning your wheels and taking jobs you don’t love

Feeling undervalued and underpaid

Unsure of how to get your first big job

Unhappy with the work you’re doing, but unsure of where you’d like to go

Ready for a big changes and shifts in your daily structure

You’ve come to the right place! Here we will foster your dreams, inspire you to take your next steps, and give you the tools to accomplish them.

So what’s next?

Let’s talk investment



(Includes a 1:1 strategy meeting with Sophie and one week of direct access via Telegram

And yes, I really do see it as an investment. Further education and mentors are what helped me move the needle in my business and create lasting, positive impacts on the structure of my business!