1:1 Mentoring

Break the mold

We’ve all heard it, “creatives are inconsistent, lazy, non-committal, bad business owners”. We’re told these narratives our whole lives — we’re also convinced that in order to really be an artist, we need to be “starving” artists. Living, breathing, and dying for our work. 

What if I told you none of that is true? 

Let’s break the stigma of the starving artist and redefine what it means to be a creative business owner. Imagine running a thriving business and choosing jobs you want with intention, instead of burning yourself out and taking on projects just to get by. Creating from a place of happiness and abundance leads to better outcomes, you don’t need to be stressed about getting a certain amount of jobs a month. 

I’m here to guide you through the transition from struggling artist, to an aligned and passionate business owner. We need both components and with me by your side, we will figure out exactly what your business needs to diversify and thrive. 

Are you ready to dive in?

A business-led approach for creatives

Are you ready to transform your business?

We’ll start by clarifying your mission and your why. My main goal while getting to know you is understanding your deep-rooted purpose and passion. This will help us pinpoint unique perspectives and how to convert those into revenue streams. 

Your life now

Following photography trends

Nervous about stepping out and creating your unique voice + impression

Daydreaming about what your business could be, but unsure of how to get there

Lack of systems + passive income

Intimidated by the “business hat”

take the plunge

A thriving creative

Creating from a place of passion + unique perspective

Embracing your own style and landing clients that are perfectly aligned

Smooth + effective systems in place to nurture leads & provide a seamless client experience 

Full control + understanding of your business & how to generate income in multiple ways

60min 1-1 mentoring session includes

A complete business audit 

Business layout + roadmap

Unique marketing strategy

This is YOUR hour, so we can cover anything from the basics of photography to the details of your systems. 

To the burned out creative I WANT TO WORK WITH YOU IF…

You can apply for 1:1 mentoring through the link below! Once you apply, you will hear back from me within 48 business hours. If your application is accepted, you can go ahead & book in your 1:1 mentoring session!

You have big dreams of building your business into a legacy

Value business led approaches 

So what’s next?

Let’s work smarter, not harder

Hi I’m Sophie! The owner & founder of Drift Creative Co. When I first started Drift, I was all about my art–hustling constantly, sending out a million pitches & hearing a resounding…silence. This method led me straight to burnout city–I was taking jobs I didn’t love, making less money than I wanted to make & overall kind of resenting this thing I was supposed to love so much. 

Let’s talk investment
