The Writing

Let’s be honest, sometimes when you’re too close to a project it’s harder to sum up your thoughts and choose the most important points to share. That’s our job! We will get to know the ins and outs of your brand, product or offer, and deliver copy that reflects your true brand identity. All while connecting with your ideal customer. 

We’ll take all the big ideas drifting around inside your head and transcribe them for you (no more writer’s block!). Just hand over the keys with some directions and we’ll see you at the finish line

We totally get it! You know what you want to say, but struggle to get it onto the page. You overthink it and rewrite it, but seem to lack a clear, and concise message. Or perhaps you struggle finding the time for consistent email marketing or fitting in a website overhaul.  

If you know what you want your brand to embody, but are spinning your wheels in execution — you came to the right place! 

That’s where we come in!

Are all your ideas stuck in your head?

Ready to work together?

let's dive right in

The fact that you’re reading this, tells us you mean serious business.

And nothing makes us more excited than potentially working side by side with you. Drift started with visual marketing — but we also understand that for those visuals to tell a whole story, sometimes a little creativity in the copy can be especially convincing.

And don’t worry–we won’t just write something that’s filled with fluff. We use tried and true methods of in depth market research, sales psych and your unique tone to craft standout copy that turns window shoppers into customers.


Generic and uninspiring copy that lacks human connection elements

Copy that lacks strategy and structure

Lackluster copy that fails to convert

Hours of editing and postponing 


Copy that connects with your target audience and converts them to customers

Messaging that feels aligned and sounds like YOU

Uses sales psyche and strategic marketing to create cohesive communication

Assets delivered to your inbox to save you time and frustration

Here’s what you’ll get

Deep dive into your brand values, voice, tone, and target audience

Copy that converts window shoppers to customers

Curated, aligned copy that clearly conveys your message

Support from our whole creative team

Stories and sales pages that make you feel confident in your offers

Let me help you find your voice!

Hi I’m Drew! 

The in-house copywriter for Drift Creative. One of my favorite aspects of writing is distilling a person’s words and thoughts into a clear idea. Often times, people know exactly what they want to say, but just can’t get the language quite right. Let’s work together to create messaging that sounds like you, supports your brand, and is written with purpose.

To the “I’ll come back to it later” writer

If your application gets accepted, we will do a deep dive into needs, pain points & vision. We’ll learn the details of your brand & work together to fully understand every aspect of your brand & the goals you have. We’ll tailor a package to your needs to make sure we are addressing all of your pain points. 

Then it’s off to the races! We will craft all of the messaging agreed upon & deliver it to your inbox. You are more than welcome to revise the work up to three times before we handover the copy for you to show off to the world.

We know how difficult it can be to keep all the plates spinning, being pushed and pulled to focus on 100 different areas of your business at one time. Unfortunately you can’t be everywhere and on everything all at once. We are your team if you are:

Constantly revising language you’ve written and always being left with the feeling of it just not hitting the mark.

Writing paragraphs of words, only to delete them all the next day because they just didn’t feel right.

Or having a million thoughts in your head, but struggling to put them down on paper the same way they just flowed from your mouth in conversation. 

We want to make life easier for you because you already have enough going on. We will take your thoughts and massage them into cohesive, coherent copy that conveys your mission to your target audience.

Here’s how it works

Let’s talk investment

starting at $500

starting at $500

 starting at $300 

We all know how important email marketing and blogs are when it comes to nurturing your audience—luckily for you, these are our favorite projects.

All of our written packages are completely custom based on your needs, but here’s a breakdown of what we offer and where the price points begin.

Whether you need a one page revamp, or a full website makeover—we’re here to help!

Social captions and graphics are so important, but they can also be a huge time suck. Let us take it off your hands!

starting at $200

With video booming on social media, it has never been more important to make sure your content is saying exactly what it needs to. We want to help you tell your story!

starting at $1000

Do you have a story that you want published, booklets for an event, or a mailer you want to send? We can do it all.

Is this what you’re looking for?

We’d love to be the ones to help you.

apply here!